Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Shop Columbia Holiday Market

I will be selling buttons, stickers and my comic Strange Sailors at Shop Columbia's 
Holiday Market! The market is on: 

Thursday, December 3:11AM - 7PM
Friday, December 4:11AM - 5PM
Saturday, December 5:11AM - 4PM
And it's at: 
623 S Wabash Ave
ShopColumbia, HAUS, First floor lobby, and Hokin Gallery
You can purchase buttons I made here:
Thank you for your support!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Running Faerie

I haven't used Corel Painter in a long time, so I thought I'd play with it again.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Zine Fest

Tomorrow I'll be at Zine Fest. It's in Chicago at the Ludington Building on the first and eighth floors, 1104 S. Wabash Ave. and lasts from 11:00 AM-6:00 PM. For more info, you can go to I'll be at table C22! Hope you can stop by.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Hello! I now have a store on Society 6:

Feel free to check it out. I have some prints for sale, and I'm working on posting more.

And to those of you who "favorited" my paintings, thank you so much! If my paintings can make you even a little happy, that means a lot to me!